Thursday, January 13, 2011

DIY Sushi!

You never know when it will hit next; that undeniable craving for raw fish wrapped in seaweed.  The problem is that when you hit up your local sushi joint a few rolls, some edamame and a couple drinks, it can easily run you $50/head. So, one day I decided that I was going to do it at home and for much cheaper!   I watched some You Tube videos and hit up my local sashimi market - Noble Fish in Clawson.  My first try wasn't perfect. After making sushi several times though, it's gotten much better.  The first time you make sushi, you'll want to set aside 3 hours or so.  You'll get faster each time...

STEP 1 - SHOP:  Go to a Japanese specialty store.   Make sure they carry sashimi grade fish (the kind that we use for sushi). Your  first time will be the most expensive time.  Consider it your sushi investment, because most items last a very long time. Enough for 6+ sushi attempts.  

You will need:
  • Sushi rolling mat
  • Sushi Rice (White or Brown)
  • Nori Paper (Roasted Seaweed Sheets)
  • Soy Sauce
  • Rice Wine Vinegar 
  • A VERY sharp knife to cut the fish and rolls nicely.  The one pictured below came from Noble Fish...
  • Vegetables (I grabbed green onions, avocado, carrots, red pepper)
  • Various fish (this time I got salmon, yellowtail tuna, roe (fish eggs) and clams) **
  • Sesame seeds, white, black or mixed
  • Sriracha (chili & garlic sauce)
  • Wasabi paste or powder
  • Mayo
  • Saran Wrap
**Vegetarians or those squeamish of raw fish can just as easily do California rolls.  If you aren't using raw fish, you can use imitation crab meat, cream cheese, etc.   



So now you're stocked with what you need.  A word of caution:  your kitchen will quickly become a disaster area, so stay focused and organized by doing all of your prep work first.  Cut your veggies into long skinny strips, so that putting them into a sushi roll makes sense.  While you're doing this, steam your rice (directions on the back of the package).  I make about 2 cups (cooked) rice for 3-4 rolls.   When the rice is done, toss it in a bowl with a splash (I do mean splash) of soy sauce and about 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar. Set up bowls of sesame seeds (for decor) and Spicy Mayo (combine a 1-1 ratio of mayo and Sriracha).


You've got your rice in a bowl.  You'll need a bowl of cool water to dip your fingers in between rolling (rice is sticky!).  You've got your mat and knife ready.  Your veggies and fish ready.  Your bowls of cream cheese, sesame seeds, spicy mayo ready to go.  And a plate!  Yes, a plate to put your rolls on when you're done rolling.


 Now comes the fun part.  Pour yourself a glass of beer and get to work!  On a cutting board, put down your sushi rolling mat first, making sure it's in the right direction: you'll be rolling away from you.  Next, put down a sheet of saran wrap so that your rice doesn't get matted into the mat!  There are two basic kinds of rolls:  rice on the outside or nori on the outside.  

Here, we'll do nori on the outside.  On top of the nori, add a thin layer of rice and whatever vegetables and fish you want in your roll (be creative)!  This roll has the yellow tail, salmon and roe. Spicy sauce.  No veggies.  Now, carefully, roll the sushi, applying a moderate amount of pressure (we want it to stay together)!  

You'll wet your fingers and drip some water on the nori at the edge to seal it.  Put the rolls on a plate and stick them in the fridge while you're making more.  I also serve a lot of sashimi, as I don't like tons of rice.   Get creative.  Make spicy rolls, just veggie rolls.  Make some with rice on the outside.  Sprinkle them with sesame seeds.  

Plate your sushi with lemon garnishes or whatever tickles your fancy.  I generally serve with boiled Edemame,  a seaweed salad & Japanese beer.



P.S.  Fight Back Friday - Food Renegade

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