Sunday, May 19, 2013

Simple Summer Side: Grilled Cabbage

During the summer months, I like to grill everything possible...outside.  Dining al fresco on the deck with my loved ones is one of my favorite things about Michigan. <3

If you're looking to get more brassicas or cruciferous veggies (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts mustard greens, etc.),  into your diet for health reasons, first of all, that's awesome!  Not only are they cheap (cabbage is around .60c/lb) and easily accessible, but they have anti-cancer properties, helping to repair DNA and boost the immune system.  Another strike against the "eating healthy is expensive" myth.  Cabbage On, my friends!

Grilled Cabbage (6 servings)

1/2 medium cabbage, cut into wedges.  Leave the core, as you can just cut away the other parts.  This will help it stay in tact on the grill
Olive oil
Sea Salt
Mustard Powder
Turmeric Powder


In a large bowl, season cabbage wedges by drizzling with olive oil and tossing with spices.  Grill for 5 minutes or so on each side, until you get some nice grill marks.   I kept the grill open for the first side, and then when I flipped, closed the grill to soften them up a bit.

Serve with lemon wedges. Enjoy!

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