Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kale & Grapefruit?

Ahhh, greens.  Necessary for a balanced diet, yet often neglected!  Every time I shop, I pick a few bunches of various greens, usually going for whatever looks the best or is on sale.  The other day, Kale was 2 bunches for $3 at Whole Foods and I gladly picked some up.  Kale is a mild, hearty green and is part of the cruciferous family (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.)  It's super rich in calcium, magnesium and a great source of antioxidants.  Kale is pretty versatile, working well in soups and salads or by itself.  Here is a colorful salad that I threw together the other night.  It would be perfect as a side dish for chicken, fish, lamb. I served it with homemade falafel...

Kale & Grapefruit Salad (serves 2)

1/2 c carrots, chopped into circles
1/2 grapefruit, cut into half-sections
1 bunch fresh kale, washed and cut into bite sized pieces
1/2 red bell pepper, diced

1 tbsp olive oil
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (I use Bragg's  -
1 tbsp honey 
1/2 habanero pepper, finely diced 
Salt & Pepper  

Steam your kale for a few minutes, just until soft.  Whisk dressing together.  Toss kale with fruit and drizzle with dressing.  Super energizing, bold and delicious!

200 calories
8 g fat
5 g protein
32 g carbohydrates

Falafel (Serves 2)

1 lb chickpeas (soaked overnight) or 1 can chickpeas (drained)
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp coriander
Hot pepper flakes
½ habenero pepper
Handful chopped parsley
1 egg
1 handful (give or take) of breadcrumbs 
Salt & Pepper

Preheat oven to 350. Combine all ingredients (minus the breadcrumbs) in a food processor and blend until combined (don't over-do it!). In a large bowl, combine the mixture with bread crumbs, adding just a bit at a time until you're able to form into balls. Form the falafel into 8 balls and flatten slightly.  Heat a frying pan with a bit of vegetable oil on medium-high heat.  Pan sear on both sides until golden brown. Bake on a glass or metal pan for 15 minutes to finish. I served with pickled turnips and a bit of Greek yogurt. YUM!

Per falafel:

108 calories
4 g fat
14 g carbohydrates
3 protein

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