Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

::Quick post since it's almost my bedtime::    After a long day today at the office, I whipped up this quick and healthy side dish.  We had it with homemade chicken soup.  Too good not to share...enjoy!

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad


1 cup white or red quinoa, rinsed well*
1/4 c sun dried tomatoes
2 oz (approx 1/4 c) crumbled feta
2 large cloves garlic, minced
1 T olive oil
1 small lemon, zested and juiced
1-2 tsp fresh herbs (think: basil...oregano...parsley...rosemary...thyme)
Optional:  serve over bed of baby spinach (a handful)


Cook quinoa and let cool until room temperature.   Mix in the sun dried tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, lemon and herbs until combined well.   Fold in feta cheese and serve (hot or cold).

This would be great to take to lunch the next day.  Oooh, or with a grilled piece of chicken on top or some grilled eggplant, mushroom and peppers for a completely delicious summer meal.  I can't wait to get OUTSIDE and cook. :)

*as with any grain or bean, rinse WELL to clean off dust, debris, and potential pesticides/heavy metals!